Knowledge Base (FAQ) : All about Chandrayaan-3’s Upcoming Lunar Maneuver:

chandrayaan 3 landing time

What is the purpose of Chandrayaan-3’s mission, and why is its upcoming maneuver significant?

Ans: Chandrayaan-3 is India’s third lunar mission, aiming to explore the Moon’s surface. The upcoming maneuver is significant because it involves a crucial descent of the lander Vikram to an altitude of 100 kilometers above the lunar surface. This maneuver is a crucial step towards achieving a soft landing and represents a major milestone in India’s space exploration efforts.

When is the scheduled date for Chandrayaan-3’s critical maneuver, and how long will it take?

Ans: The critical maneuver is scheduled for August 16, starting at 8:30 AM IST. The entire operation is expected to last approximately three hours, during which the lander Vikram will gradually reduce its altitude to reach 100 kilometers above the Moon’s surface.

How will the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) execute the precision-based descent of the lander Vikram?

Ans: ISRO will execute the descent by utilizing the lander Vikram’s thrusters. The maneuver involves a step-by-step process of strategically firing these thrusters to control the lander’s descent and gradually reduce its altitude from 150 kilometers to the targeted 100 kilometers above the lunar surface.

What is the significance of lowering the lander’s altitude to 100 kilometers above the Moon’s surface?

Ans: Lowering the lander’s altitude to 100 kilometers above the Moon’s surface is a crucial step towards achieving a soft landing. This altitude allows for the subsequent “deboost” operation, which is necessary for a gentle touchdown on the Moon’s south polar region.

What was the objective of the “Orbit circularisation phase” that began on August 14?

Ans: The “Orbit circularisation phase” initiated on August 14 aimed to achieve a near-circular orbit for Chandrayaan-3. This phase involved maneuvers to refine the spacecraft’s orbit and prepare it for the critical maneuver scheduled on August 16.

Can you explain the step-by-step process of reducing the lander’s altitude during the maneuver?

Ans: The step-by-step process involves the lander Vikram firing its thrusters in a controlled manner. These thrusters will gradually reduce the lander’s altitude from the initial 150 kilometers to the targeted 100 kilometers above the lunar surface.

What challenges did Chandrayaan-3 face during its journey to the lunar orbit, and how were they overcome?

Ans: Chandrayaan-3 encountered challenges similar to its predecessor, Chandrayaan-2, particularly during the landing phase. The transition from a horizontal to a vertical orientation proved to be a critical challenge. However, ISRO has conducted simulations and incorporated lessons learned from Chandrayaan-2 to address these challenges.

What is the significance of the “deboost” operation, and how will it facilitate a soft landing on the Moon?

Ans: The “deboost” operation involves slowing down the lander’s velocity, which is crucial for achieving a gentle and controlled landing. This operation ensures that the lander can softly touch down on the Moon’s surface without the risk of impact-related damage.

Why is transitioning from a horizontal to a vertical orientation crucial during the landing process?

Ans: Transitioning from a horizontal to a vertical orientation is essential for the final stages of the landing process. This transformation allows the lander to align itself properly with the lunar surface, ensuring a safe and controlled descent.

When and where is the soft landing of Chandrayaan-3 expected to take place?

Ans: The soft landing of Chandrayaan-3 is scheduled for August 23. The lander Vikram and the rover Pragyan will make a delicate touchdown in the Manzinus C crater, located within the Moon’s south polar region.

What sets Chandrayaan-3’s landing attempt apart from previous lunar missions conducted by India and other countries?

Ans: Chandrayaan-3’s landing attempt focuses on the Moon’s south polar region, which presents unique challenges due to its terrain and conditions. This attempt aims to expand our understanding of lunar exploration and soft landing capabilities.

How does Chandrayaan-3’s mission contribute to India’s technological advancement in inter-planetary exploration?

Ans: Chandrayaan-3 showcases India’s technological prowess by demonstrating advancements in safe landing and roving on the lunar surface. The mission’s indigenous propulsion module, lander, and rover contribute to the nation’s capabilities in inter-planetary missions.

What role do simulations play in preparing for the challenging aspects of the lunar landing process?

Ans: Simulations play a vital role in understanding and addressing the complex challenges of the lunar landing process. They enable ISRO to simulate various scenarios, refine strategies, and optimize maneuvers, ultimately enhancing the mission’s chances of success.

What are the implications of a successful soft landing on the Moon’s south pole for India’s space exploration ambitions?

Ans: A successful soft landing on the Moon’s south pole would elevate India’s standing in the global space exploration community. It would showcase the nation’s prowess in space technology and open new avenues for future lunar and inter-planetary missions.

What are the key takeaways from Chairman S Somnath’s insights regarding the landing process and challenges faced?

Ans: Chairman S Somnath’s insights highlight the complexities of the landing process, particularly the transition from a horizontal to a vertical orientation. His remarks emphasize the meticulous calculations and simulations required for a successful soft landing.

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